anthony of egypt sayings

Our venerable and God-bearing Father Saint Anthony the Great was born in to a wealthy family in upper Egypt about 254 AD. Also known as Anthony of Egypt, Anthony of
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Also known as. Abba Antonius; Anthony of Egypt; Anthony of the Desert; Anthony the Anchorite; Anthony the Great; Antonio Abate; Father of Cenobites; Father of All Monks
(Vol. IX) Plutarch, The Parallel Lives p139 The Life of Antony 1 1 Antony's grandfather was the orator Antonius, who joined the party of Sulla and was put to death by
anthony of egypt sayings
The Desert Fathers (there were also Desert Mothers) were hermits, ascetics, and monks who lived mainly in the Scetes desert of Egypt beginning around the third

Sayings -
Desert Fathers - Wikipedia, the free.
The Coptic Orthodox Monastery of St Antony the Great is located in the Red Sea Egypt.
Saint Anthony of Egypt Biography
Anthony of Egypt Biography The Coptic Orthodox Monastery of St.
The Coptic Orthodox Monastery of St.
anthony of egypt sayings
Anthony the Great - OrthodoxWiki
Saint Anthony the Abbot »
Feastday: January 17. Two Greek philosophers ventured out into the Egyptian desert to the mountain where Anthony lived. When they got there, Anthony asked them why